
Learning that reduces risks to health, safety, security, and legal liability, and that advances best practices. 

Click to LoginREQUIREMENTS: Verify cookies and pop-ups are enabled for sites. Disable 3rd party privacy plug-ins. Close course pop-up windows to save your place & avoid losing work due if you are interrupted by another task. Your activity is tracked & reportable to relevant agencies. 


  • - Contact the Ability team weekdays for special access to use the system, assistance with reports, merging accounts, referrals to program owners, etc.
  • New User - Basic navigation, enrolling in courses (adding a track)...
  • Managers - Assigning training, changing team members list,...
  • Trainer tasks - Adding calendar events, recording completions...
  • Active Violence Incident (Public Safety track) - Listed in your Requirements for easy access, but there is no due date and it will not be overdue on employee reports or create a student account hold.
  • DEI - Suggestions and contacts for the required online courses
  • EHS - Environmental Health & Safety training for labs, WPS, respirator fit-testing, Site-Specific Safety Training (SST) etc.
  • RCR - Requirements, CITI instructions (login), recording group training info, and more
  • RVSM - frequent questions and tips for SARV & Bystander workshops and online courses
  • Student Holds- The Ability system helpdesk cannot remove holds or update your training records for RVSM or DEI training
  • Other programs - Check for additional instructions on your course page or use the Ability FAQ button for contact information.